venerdì 1 febbraio 2013

Chuck Hagel

Non e' proprio chiarissima la ragione per cui la sbroccosfera avesse  cosi' tanta fiducia  nel probabile nuovo segretario della difesa americano,  il senatore repubblicano del Nebraska, Chuck Hagel. Il Nebraska e', ricordiamo, uno degli Stati in cui vige la pena di morte, dove il 90% dei cittadini abita in paesini con meno di 3000 abitanti, paesini in cui l'edificio piu' importante e' una chiesa  (dove predicano, incontestati, pastori creazionisti e contrari all'aborto). Il paradiso dei  diritti individuali e delle minoranze, insomma.

 Hagel, lui, ha un curriculum adatto al suo elettorato. Veterano del Vietnam, favorevole alla guerra in Irak e in Afghanistan, un falco in materia di sicurezza interna, diffidente verso i gay. Ma tant'e'. Hagel si era lasciato sfuggire, una volta, l'espressione "lobby ebraica" e questo bastava a scatenare fantasie di riscatto da parte dei soliti "critici di Israele".

Che ora, dopo la prima audizione di Hagel al Senato, stanno masticando  amarissimo. Hagel ha ripetuto le solite ovvieta' che ci si aspetta da un segretario USA alla difesa, e Mondoweiss (dove da tempo e' in corso il festival delle accuse di doppia lealta') annega nella bile:

 I thought he was named to be United States Secretary of Defense, not Israel's defense [...] Hagel repeatedly asserted that he regards Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Revolutionary Guard of Iran as terrorist organizations.  [...] This hearing is a wonderful event because it demonstrates the naked influence of the Israel lobby in our political life. [...] I think Zionism has so influenced the American political culture, via political money and thinktanks and columnists and editors, that it has folded Israel's war against Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinians and Iran into our outlook on the Middle East. The conflation of American and Israeli interests has become an article of faith in the establishment. [....]  Pathetic. 
[poverino, questo qua. Gli hanno appena detto che Babbo Natale non esiste, e lui si aspettava una vagonata di regali]. 

i’m so disgusted i can’t bear to watch him grovel before the world on israel’s behalf. what a low point in american history.  We can only hope there will come a tipping point. When I watched the  old establishment guard gang up on Hagel this morning, it reminded me
of the scenes from Egypt earlier in the morning where the old guys in the halls of power there were looking a little worried and unsure, while the youth raged and demanded change out on the streets.   Hopefully, we’ll take back our country sometime during my lifetime.

[perche' la rivoluzione oggi no, domani nemmeno, ma dopodomani....]

[ E finalmente, ecco la parola che inizia con la J: ]   What we have is a group presented to the world as ‘Jewish’ leadership, speaking for Jews. They have set about doing in the US the very things Jews were accused of in the past, literally acting out the Jewish disloyalty and the nation within a nation, the Jews ‘qua nation’   problem.
AND while they are doing this they accuse everyone of anti semitism for asking them what the hell they think they’re doing…like they think we’re all suppose to be blind.
It’s so bizarre there is no way to explain it except that they are so high on holocaust success hubris they are totally convinced that no one will ever go thru the Jews they’ve established as a front line shield to get to them.
That is their method of operation and strategy to get away with what they are doing.
[ricordatevi che queste delizie compaiono in un sito di sinistra, liberal, e contrario ad ogni guerra]

Oh, e a proposito della Jewish lobby. Godetevi questo passaggio della audizione di Hagel

    Graham: Name one person in your opinion who’s intimidated by the Jewish lobby in the US Senate.
    Hagel: I don’t know...
    Graham: I cant think of a more provocative thing to say about the relationship of the U.S. and Israel…
    Hagel: I have already stated that I regret [the statement].
    Graham: You can’t name one senator intimidated [or] give me one example of dumb things pressured to do... One thing!...
    Hagel: Well I can't give you an example.
    Graham: Do you agree with me that you shouldn’t have said that?
    Hagel: Yes I agree with you.

1 commento:

  1. Grande la citazione del grande Gaber! (Grande anche il resto, ma quella di più)
